Nov 21, 2022 | 2 minute read
written by Pranav Bahadur
Elastic Path adds a D2C Starter Kit for brands to kickstart their Composable Commerce journey with a customizable storefront.
What is the D2C Starter Kit?The D2C Starter Kit is an open-sourced toolbox aimed at accelerating the development of a digital commerce storefront that can be easily customized for specific use cases. D2C brands can set up a commerce storefront in a matter of days rather than months, saving up to 15% of implementation costs while preserving the speed and flexibility a Composable Commerce approach affords. With a Composable Commerce approach, brands can add best-of-breed solutions for functionality like search, CMS (content management system), personalization, etc. With the extensibility of the D2C Starter Kit, brands can include new integrations over time as their needs evolve to keep up with and outpace customer expectations.See the D2C Starter Kit in action in our demo below.
The D2C Starter Kit is built with the modern developer-friendly framework, Next. JS. It is also hosting agnostic to allow brands to pick the platform of their choice, including Netlify(current), AWS, & Vercel. The current iteration also includes Algolia for search and Chakra UI to get started with a range of out-of-the-box components that are easy to customize. Reduced Time to ValueBrands often hesitate to upgrade to a Composable Commerce approach for two key reasons, implementation time and costs. With the Starter Kit, your team can quickly spin up a digital commerce storefront built on EP PXM. APIs that provide functionality such as Cart & Checkout capabilities, promotions, product variation, bundles, and more.
With select integrations for site search & a payments solution rounding out a package that can drastically reduce the implementation time and reduce implementation costs by up to 15%! Learn more about The D2C Starter Kit on GitHub.
Discover how the D2C starter kit will help you save time and reduce costs.
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