Take your eCommerce business to the next level with Next.js. Discover how this universal server-rendered framework can transform your eCommerce experience.
Next.js is an open-source JavaScript framework that was created and is managed by Vercel (formerly Zeit). Next.js completes the solution with advanced routing, static compilation, server-side rendering, image optimization, code splitting, and more. These features make it an ideal choice for high-performance eCommerce applications, improving speed, usability, and SEO.
Next.js includes Hot Code Reloading (HCR) to improve developer efficiency.
With Server-Side Rendering, Next.js improves SEO and initial size speed by rendering React components on the server.
Next.js plays well with the rest of the JavaScript, Node, and React ecosystems.
Next.js improves performance by reducing code loading through Automatic Code Splitting.
The Link component supports a prefetch prop that automatically prefetches page resources.
Next.js is written in TypeScript and, as such, comes with excellent TypeScript support.
With Server-Side Rendering, the browser can start to display HTML while JavaScript files download parallelly and execute. SSR improves user experience by reducing page loading time compared to CSR.
Next.js delivers superior application performance with its code being split into separate bundles that lazily load behind the scenes. Achieve superior performance even with an unstable connection.
Power your inventory, carts, categorization, search, shopping cart, and more with our SDK. We help you to easily create and bring to life beautiful Next.js eCommerce experiences.
Kickstart your development process with the D2C Starter Kit built on Next.js. Available on GitHub, this project provides the setup and functionality for a rich and performance eCommerce solution.
Next.js is a react framework used for front-end development that enables us to use functionalities such as generating static websites and server-side rendering for react-based web applications per zealousweb.com.
The answer is both: Next.js is a pre-rendered React app on the client side that users can view and interact with and is considered as front-end. At the same time, it also does server-side rendering and API routes which can perform server-side code and access data in the database and can be considered backend per stackoverflow.com.
Next.js is used by some huge companies such as Netflix, Uber, Starbucks, and Twitch per pagepro.co.
Tsh.io explains that Next.js is popular because it solved a problem that many web developers used to have with web applications rendered on the client side (in the browser). Those single-page applications (SPAs) featured improved UX because they required no reloading from the user and provided additional interactivity.
Next.js has all the tools you need to build a great eCommerce website, including routing, page lifecycle events, fast server rendering, and more.
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