Case Study - Sherweb
Created catalog management so customers can deploy and manage personalized catalog experiences.
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Marketplace, Software
Use Case
Catalog & Merchandising Optimization
Sherweb is a cloud services provider that partners with thousands of managed service providers (MSPs) to resell, provision, and bill for cloud-based products such as Microsoft Office and Google Enterprise.
Sherweb already had an existing partner portal and robust billing system in place, but needed to create a streamlined experience so that MSPs and end buyers could create, deploy, and manage personalized catalog experiences. With Elastic Path Product Experience Manager (PXM), Sherweb will be able to provide MSPs a one-of-a-kind experience in which they will be able to create unique catalogs. These catalogs can be based on the core products offered by Sherweb and MSPs and end users can add unique SKUs and streamline the transaction process. PXM and Elastic Path’s catalog capabilities will serve as the foundation of Sherweb’s strategic growth initiatives.
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