Case Study - Mayzing
Took back control of complex, multi-tenant B2B merchandising experience by replatforming.
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Specialty Retailers
Use Case
B2B2C Replatform
Mayzing is a print on-demand platform that enables entrepreneurs to sell custom clothing and merchandise via social media. Entrepreneurs create a storefront, select the pieces of merchandise they want to sell, put designs on the merchandise, and set prices and promotions. Then, Mayzing handles selling, order management and fulfillment, and pays customers the money they’ve made from their merchandise.
We have a complex massively multi-tenant use case, but with Product Experience Manager, our complex use case becomes simple. With Product Experience Manager , everything becomes centralized so we can take back control of the merchandise experience and innovate at speed, without reliance on custom dev work.James Barker CTO, Mayzing
We have a complex massively multi-tenant use case, but with Product Experience Manager, our complex use case becomes simple. With Product Experience Manager , everything becomes centralized so we can take back control of the merchandise experience and innovate at speed, without reliance on custom dev work.
No commerce solution on the market served Mayzing needs, so they first built their own commerce platform. Over time, that became burdensome. Mayzing runs thousands of stores with thousands of catalogs, millions of price points, and millions of promotions – and a seller portal, too. That complex multi-tenant use case makes it difficult to control the merchandising experience and innovate at speed.
Adopting composable commerce with Product Experience Manager helps Mayzing serve entrepreneurs with less custom development work and more room for innovation and commerce control.
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