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Sep 14, 2012 | 1 minute read
written by Linda Bustos
This week's infographic feature comes from Google, The New Multi-Screen World: Understanding Cross-Platform Consumer Behavior.
To clarify, sequential screening means moving from one device to another to complete a single goal, simultaneous refers to using at the same time.
Smartphones tend to be the starting point, but that may be due to the higher ownership rates compared to tablets.
Google found that search is a key component to sequential behavior. Demand driven from TV, for example, leads to search activity on a mobile device. Perhaps we'll see more connection points in the future, such as QR codes on TV screens or smart devices that can otherwise "speak" to each other that can bypass search.
Regardless of with which screens conversion takes place, responsive design and cross-device support is becoming more and more important, especially if your company uses TV, radio or print advertising.
90% of all media actions are screen based, 38% are on smartphones Tweet This Stat
90% of people use multiple screens sequentially, 67% while shopping online Tweet This Stat
77% of the times that viewers watch TV, it’s not on a TV (49% smartphone, 34% PC/laptop) Tweet This Stat
67% of people have used multiple devices sequentially to shop online Tweet This Stat
81% of smartphone shopping is spontaneous vs. planned Tweet This Stat