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Jun 15, 2018 | 2 minute read

Test Moltin commerce APIs with the new Postman collection

written by Jamie Barton

 Postman collections can make life easier as a Moltin user, letting you test out the API in no time. It includes the majority of the requests from our docs i.e. Create, Read, Update, Delete on each endpoint.

There is a growing list of Moltin Postman collections that can be used. There are two complete collections that cover the entire eCommerce API.

Demo site collection

This collection is meant to work out without environments or set up. It is tied to a demo site and is meant to give an overview of the endpoints and how things work. It is perfect to use when you are looking to get a quick understanding of the Moltin API and see it work. Just import via this link or launch the app by clicking the button below:

Run the demo site collection in Postman 

Development collection

This collection is supported by the Moltin environment variables and should be used when you want to do a deeper dive into the api or use alongside development. The variables are meant to make things easier but requires some set up.

Import the collection and toggle your environment to use the Moltin environment in postman. Then you have to grab your credentials from the Moltin dashboard. In the authentication folder in postman go to the authentication request. Once you have that request up navigate to the body of the request and insert you client credential tokens and hit run.

You are now all set to go with the Dev collection. Again, just import via this link or launch the app by clicking the button below:

Run the developer collection in Postman 



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