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Jul 15, 2011 | 1 minute read

eCommics: Users Who Forgot...

written by Linda Bustos

ecommerce comics cartoon

A few things to remember when designing your ecommerce user experience...

  • Web conventions are your friend. Resist temptation to get creative with features and content that are generally expected to work a certain way.
  • Personalization is hot, but too much of a good thing can backfire on you. Not everything should be based on the 'wisdom of the crowds.'
  • Returning customers are notorious for forgetting passwords, which is a major cause for checkout friction and cart abandonment. Even with a password recovery feature, you are bound to lose customers who never bother to complete after recovery. (For one e-tailer, 75% did not complete after password recovery). Offering a guest checkout can help save sales which, for most businesses, is more important than users sticking with single registered accounts.

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