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Nov 3, 2014 | 1 minute read

Ecommerce Links: October 2014

written by Linda Bustos

While November is already underway...if you missed these ecommerce topics from October, we recommend you check out the following articles from around the Web:

  • Tammi Everts shares the latest results from Radware's State of the Union: Ecommerce Page Speed & Web Performance Report, including why this quarter the typical ecommerce page takes even longer to load primary content, and shares the top 4 enemies of speedy page loads.
  • Free shipping, the darling of ecommerce promotions. But is it profitable? KISSmetrics shares 4 simple tests to maximize profits on free shipping offers. KISS claims "if you do this right, you can see 15-30% improvement in net profit (not just conversion)."
  • Chris Goward thinks you're crazy if you change your site based on use feedback. He outlines how to use click-tracking heatmaps on the Crazy Egg blog.