Jul 5, 2010 | 1 minute read
written by Linda Bustos
Every once in a while I come across something truly unique on an ecommerce store. This time it's Alibris, which does a very cool thing with its Advanced Search tool.
Customers can create a custom bundle at the lowest price by entering multiple ISBN numbers in Advanced Search.
While this makes sense for a site like Alibris which is a marketplace of competing sellers (with cheap, cheap, cheap prices), this approach can have application to other types of businesses. For example, you could build custom bundles based on attributes like highest star rating. On a telco site, a customer could enter a mobile handset model and click to find a bundle based on lowest prices or highest star ratings.
Other cool stuff I've blogged about online retailers doing include:
How to Grow Your Email List from Your Shopping Cart
Getting Digital With Physical Goods
RueLaLa Uses Calendar-to-Action in Emails
A Simple Way to Promote Your Loyalty Program
Prescription for A Targeted Shopping Experience: Drugstore Dot Com
Viva innovation and creativity!