Dec 3, 2021 | 3 minute read
written by Michaela Sell
Did you know that November is Movember?
Movember is a movement around men’s health. It all started when two friends met at a bar and wanted to bring back the mustache. They got 30 of their friends to grow out mustaches for 30 days in November, which was a fun bonding experience between the group of men.
The mustaches led to many conversations and caused a lot of reactions and conversations around the types of mustaches men were growing. The friends decided to turn it into a movement, called Movember, which evolved into “changing the face of men’s health.”
Movember is a global movement of over 5 million people in 20 countries who’ve raised $1 billion for men’s health initiatives in 2021. As a company, we have raised $2,848 which we are matching to donate a total of $4,848. We decided to support Movember, to help break the stigma, silence and create space for people to talk about their mental health. Movember has supported us through the process, by providing us resource material, and a speaker to engage with employees on the importance of cancer prevention and mental health.
Since 2003, Movember has helped fund 1,300 men’s health programs for prostate, testicular, and mental health including suicide prevention.
The goal is to have men live longer, happier, and healthier lives. Research shows men are less proactive when it comes to accessing their healthcare needs, so the movement seeks to break down some of the barriers.
Testicular cancer is the most common form of cancer in men aged 15-39. “I can’t stress this enough, know the symptoms,” says Shea Theodore, a Canadian professional ice hockey defense man for the Vegas Golden Knights of the National Hockey League. Shea was diagnosed with Stage 1 Testicular Cancer. He emphasizes how important it is for men to know what feels regular and act when they notice a change.
Prostate cancer is more commonly diagnosed in older men, it is the number one diagnoses for those aged 65 years and older. Early detection is key for prostate cancer treatment. Men should go in for a PSA blood test by the age of 50, and talk to their doctor about how to spot symptoms for early detection.
Movember’sofficial slogan for Mental Health is “Have a convo, save a bro.” Mental health and suicide prevention is one of the biggest health issues impacting men today.
Mental Health impacts the day-to-day, and can be adversely affected from a stressful week, or from a bigger issue such as a job loss, or a divorce. It is important to spot the signs, since men tend to ‘mask’ how they feel. It’s crucial for men to know the signs and be able to ask for help.
The Movember movement offers free online mental health tools designed to provide guidance on how to support the men in your life who might be struggling. One of these tools is the ALEC framework, (Ask, Listen, Encourage, Action, Check-In) designed as a launching pad to begin conversations about personal health. For more information visit and act.
Movember is more than a mustache; it’s important to recognize men’s health and raise funds to help the men in our lives.
For more information, visit the Movember website.