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May 20, 2021 | 2 minute read

New Release: Role-Based Access Control

written by Deepak Azad

Branded manufacturers who are embracing digital commerce often have robust internal teams that support their eCommerce go-to-market.These teams all have different responsibilities from managing the catalog to supporting customers with their purchase. With the recent release of Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for Elastic Path Commerce Cloud, these organizations can quickly and easily assign roles so that each team can fulfill their responsibilities without disrupting other team’s workflows. This new functionality supports brands across business models, including B2B, B2C, and anywhere in between.

Role-Based Access Control Details

Seller (Elastic Path customer organizations) users can now be assigned the roles listed below which grant them distinct functional and feature access to an Elastic Path Commerce Cloud store. The following roles and permissions are supported in this release:

  • Basic: no permissions
  • Seller Admin: Full permissions to modify ever aspect of the store
  • Marketing & Sales: Modify catalog and Data Model Extention (FKA flows), but not store settings or customers
  • Support: Modify customer orders only
  • IT Developer: Modify store settings only 

Note: Only Seller Admins and IT Developer roles have access to manage role assignments. 

Each of these unique roles ensures that individuals can work most efficiently without interrupting the workflow of other teams. For instance, with RBAC a user with a customer support persona will have access to manage Orders and Customers. However, they will not have access to manage products and catalogs, or change any store settings. This is beneficial because the customer support team member will not disrupt products or catalogs, areas that the marketing and sales team has spent time curating.

See Role-Based Access Control In Action

Watch this quick demo of Role-Based Access Control:

With role assignments in place, organizations can more effectively run their commerce business on a day-to-day basis.

To get started visit the settings page of your Elastic Path Commerce Cloud store. Additional details on this new feature can be found in our documentation.