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Elastic Path vs. WooCommerce

Outgrowing WooCommerce? Learn how Elastic Path can help you move past WooCommerce's limitations, boost conversions, and drive revenue.

Elastic Path vs. WooCommerce

Elastic Path and WooCommerce are both popular commerce providers. But retailers, manufacturers, and distributors should know the differences between Elastic Path and WooCommerce.

WooCommerce, the commerce platform brands outgrow

When we talk to manufacturers, retailers, and distributors that use WooCommerce, they often tell us that the platform was easy to get started with, but that they now face stunted growth because of WooCommerce's limitations. WooCommerce brands are heavily reliant on the WordPress environment, and use plugins and extensions to offer customized commerce experiences. As a business grows, this results in...

  • Slow, poor-performing sites
  • Major challenges scaling to new markets and business lines
  • Runaway maintenance costs to keep a hacked together, code-heavy solution running

Over time, brands that use WooCommerce find themselves putting all their time and money into maintaining their current site. These brands aren't able to pursue the innovative merchandising initiatives and commerce experiments that boost AOV, conversions, and revenue.

Time and money down the drain, stagnant commerce experiences, and general frustration: For a growing brand, WooCommerce is an impediment to scaling and driving more revenue. Wondering how much WooCommerce is holding you back? Get a fast, free commerce site analysis from our Storefront Grader™.

Compared to other commerce platforms, like WooCommerce, BigCommerce, and Magento, Elastic Path allowed us to get new experiences live and in front of customers fast. Our in-house team hasn’t had to learn complicated, new technology – we can make changes and get site experiences live in minutes and days instead of weeks and months.

Stephen Cope CIO, Astrak Group

Unplatform™ from WooCommerce with Elastic Path

Brands using WooCommerce often tell us they feel stuck between two choices:

  1. Replatform from WooCommerce, spending a bunch of money for an uncertain new solution
  2. Stick with WooCommerce and accept limited functionality, runaway plugins, mediocre to poor performance, the WordPress ecosystem, and a lack of commerce innovation

At Elastic Path, we offer a third choice. Unplatforming is a flexible approach that uses modular, composable products to solve specific challenges, one at a time, without requiring a replatform.

An example: One brand we worked with had four developers dedicated solely to WooCommerce. As they moved aspects of their commerce architecture to Elastic Path, those developers gained access to APIs that slashed the amount of time they spend customizing commerce components. In less than a year, that brand estimated they saved thousands of developer and IT hours and turbocharged revenue to over $100 million.

eCommerce software solution comparison guide

Learn the pros and cons of various commerce platforms, including Magento, to ensure that your brand has a commerce solution that maximizes conversions and revenue.

What's the cost of staying on WooCommerce?

Some brands that use WooCommerce may figure that continuously delaying a decision about new commerce technology incurs no cost.

Those brands are mistaken. In commerce, no decision means no innovation, and no innovation means no new experiences that drive revenue, conversions, and business growth. A brand that stands pat with WooCommerce is trading today's cost for tomorrow's business success, and will be left behind.

The good news is that Elastic Path gives brands an option for innovation other than a costly rip-and-replace. Choose a commerce experience you want to improve and start there, today, with less cost and the ability to test and experiment. Over time, your commerce experiences will improve, and you will keep pace with (and maybe even get ahead of) the rest of the market.

Elastic Path vs. Adobe Commerce (Magento) FAQs

Start your Unplatform to upgrade from WooCommerce

Talk to one of our experts about your WooCommerce solution, and how you can address business challenges fast and without replatforming with Elastic Path.
