Case Study - Swisscom
A New Customer Engagement Platform
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Use Case
B2C Replatform
Though Swisscom serves over 1.5 million TV customers, 6.6 million mobile communications customers, and 2 million broadband customers, it was founded—yes, really—in the year 1851 in Bern, Switzerland.
The company chose Elastic Path for its new commerce platform and customer experience architecture. Swisscom put together a single team to shepherd the company from the old world to the new, taking a step-by-step approach to dismantling its monolithic legacy system.
One of the best benefits of Elastic Path Commerce is that it's future-proof. Going forward, we'll be able to create magical new experiences that no one has even thought of yet.Sven Friedli Former Head of Architecture Management & Technology Transformation, Swisscom
One of the best benefits of Elastic Path Commerce is that it's future-proof. Going forward, we'll be able to create magical new experiences that no one has even thought of yet.
Connect with us today to see how our family of composable products will help you deliver unique commerce experiences.