Case Study - Ofac Société Coopérative
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Use Case
B2B Launch
Ofac Société Coopérative” was founded in Geneva, in 1963 by Gaston Gaberel and a small group of Swiss-French pharmacists. OFAC is leveraging Elastic Path to provide each of their pharmacies with an online shop and a centralized assortment of goods logistically managed by Abilis.
Abilis is a secure digital health platform operated by Ofac which centralizes all the data relating to the health of an individual. Each pharmacy manages its own stock, promotions, orders and prices, combined with a subset of the products from a master catalog.
We choose Elastic Path because we will potentially have 900 Webshops for our Pharmacy and we were looking for an eCommerce solutions that is flexible and able to manage an important number of webshops integrated in our E-health platform.Chantal Junod Chief Information Officer, Ofac Société Coopérative
We choose Elastic Path because we will potentially have 900 Webshops for our Pharmacy and we were looking for an eCommerce solutions that is flexible and able to manage an important number of webshops integrated in our E-health platform.
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