Jun 19, 2008 | 8 minute read
written by Linda Bustos
This month's webinar with Jason Billingsley covered various areas packed with examples from real online retailers. You can catch the ecommerce innovation webinar on-demand. Or, you can flip through some of the examples, see the live sites and catch up on related blog posts you may have missed.
Purpose of this Webinar
Innovations are not necessarily "sexy" -- but they don't have to be. This webinar is really to get youthinking about the possibilities, whether you're a small player or a multi-million dollar e-tailer. Innovation may exist in another segment / industry that can be applied to your business. And it doesn't have to be a visual innovation - processes like customer service, fulfillment and order management can also have a profitable impact.
Martin + Osa Shop-By-Outfit
Knicker Picker
Gap.com Fit Finder
Vitaman Global
American Eagle
Amazon.com Video Reviews
Shoeline.com Return-O-Meter
Why Zappos' Customer Service is Innovative:
1. "The offer" get the right people on the bus2. Prominent toll-free number3. 24x7 call-center4. Free shipping (both ways)5. Free returns6. Free (unexpected) upgraded shipping - shoes come faster than promised7. No scripts, no call times8. Find out of stock items at competing sites9. Transparency - 350+ people on Twitter10. CSRs have freedom to have person-to-person relationship. The famous example of Zaz Lamarr shares how a Zappos CSR sent flowers of sympathy on her own dime to a woman who lost her mom to cancer
Davids Bridal Dress Your Wedding
Oneida Virtual Table
Crutchfield TV Fit Finder
Land's End
Steep and Cheap
Action Envelope
Abercrombie and Fitch
Shoptogether by DecisionStep
Vancouver 2010 Olympic Store
Shoes.com Customer Q&A
1. Break it - Rethink old processes, like navigation, instead of following the leader. Test and try new things2. Shoestring it - Don't try to compete with multi-million site's features (rich media etc) - think of Wine Library TV - the main cost is time. Or, leverage other 2.0 tools already made3. Processes Count - You don't need to modify visual things, you can do customer service innovations like Zappos, innovative policies or value propositions4. Look to the real world - Helicopter seeds inspired the real helicopter. Think of how to replicate real-store experiences5. Prove it, sell it - If you need to prove it to your bosses, just get your hands dirty in an innovation on your own (like a side project), then you can show some results which can be rolled out on the main site.
(These are notes, not a transcript)
About rich user interfaces - does single screen checkout make sense?
Jason talked to a retailer (Intuit?) that tested 95% regular vs. 5% one-page and found single didn't convert as well. Intuit hasn't moved fully to single screen but continues to test the process. Action Envelope is a good example of a one-page checkout.
Allurent and Liquid Pixels are service providers for RIA (rich interface applications), check out Jason's Internet Retailer interviews with Allurent and Liquid Pixels.
Bernadine Wu from Fit For Commerce believes some innovations actually take a step back. You don't need to use the newest trends you may be to use dynamic style sheet, which could have bigger impact on conversions than crazy, dynamic recommendation engines, for example.
Do RIA's improve conversions? Testing tools for rich interfaces?
You could take traffic and filter through router to split testOmniture Offermatica may have something relevantA/B split test with Google Website OptimizerAvinash Kaushik has a podcast on measuring rich media
Attendee comment:Woot is a Steep-and-Cheap style site which uses humor, not blah boring copy. Good point that people want to engage with people.
Innovative B2B sites?
Office Max navigation - whether that's effective innovation, not sure.B2B and B2C not that different these days, B2B may want to leverage preferred contracts or supplier lists or improve processes like order management.
Color innovation - do colors have impact?
It has a lot to do with brand, if you're a multi-channel retailer you want some consistency. Testing is recommended. One thing to keep in mind, don't make call to action button the same color as everything else.
International companies, how do you know when to stop or go?
Things that work in Asia/Europe might not work in North America, and vice-versa. Without geographical market knowledge, you're taking a risk. Some retailers will use richer color pallettes for Asian stores than US/Canada (oranges vs. blues). Also, countries used to higher broadband speeds may expect your site to work much faster than other countries tolerate - so don't add something that will slow down your site just to be innovative.