Jun 22, 2011 | 1 minute read
written by Linda Bustos
I've been coveting the infographics of my favorite blogs for some time now, and it's high time we do one on Get Elastic!
Remixing data from the Nielsen's Q1 2011 Mobile Connected Device Report, this infographic shows what percentage of device owners (tablets, e-readers and smartphones, respectively) use their gadget while doing [blank].
Why should online retailers care? The shortcoming of this data is there is no mobile shopping context - we don't know if people are looking for products on their commute or playing angry birds. But what we can glean is smartphones still dominate most every category - tablet users are less likely to use their device "on the go" or when they're "busy." They're more likely to be in a stationary, relaxed environment. (This is not surprising, since a smartphone is much easier to take on the go). Think about the user context when developing features for smartphone and mobile apps, respectively.
Second, this shows that consumers access the mobile web from anywhere. One's time in front of a desktop or laptop computer is limited, but with connected mobile devices, it's unlimited (even in the bathroom!) Consumers are more likely to be near a mobile device than a desktop, and if you say no to a mobile optimized experience, you say no to a lot of traffic and potential sales.
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